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Spring mattress plastic film, formaldehyde exceeds bid was home? Expert: in addition to formaldehyde details don't ignore

Recently there are a lot of articles, actually for our new buy spring mattress that membrane, should tear up a series of discussions, actually speaking words according to the truth, it is recommended to tear off. Want to know, that the existence of a layer of film, is in order to avoid because of the reason of transportation, resulted in the pollution of spring mattress, therefore, when we use in setting the home should be torn off, and as plastic products at the time of production, also use a lot of glue, as a result, this kind of product, is there is a lot of formaldehyde, for our bodies, is quite unhealthy. In our daily life, however, there are still a lot of not to tear it, because most people are want to spring mattress kept clean, but the problem is to know formaldehyde, from this little accumulated in daily life, therefore, although said that in the period of time, will give us a feeling of not too big effect, but in fact, is need our attention and careful. In addition, if you buy is making the spring mattress, sponge so middle may contain formaldehyde will be much more, because the production process, will surely use foam agent. If you buy from, this is this kind of spring mattress, also does not consider tear protective film, free formaldehyde in the long run, also lead to home formaldehyde exceeds bid again. Then we can what method for formaldehyde problem? Except flavour countermeasure 1: ventilation in addition to formaldehyde basis is the attention to the problem of ventilation, in fact, as long as we are in the home conditions permitting, often for ventilation, which is to avoid some harmful gases produced, but note that this problem for a long time, because formaldehyde release cycles are relatively long, so we are ventilation, have to adhere to, and prior to the check-in, at least have to ventilation half year which is a more safe. Except flavour strategy 2: physical adsorption in addition to the Maya blue is for indoor formaldehyde pollution research and development of new materials, formaldehyde because add silver ions, can in a large amount of pollutants such as formaldehyde adsorption at the same time, the adsorption of pollutants into water vapour and carbon dioxide, so you don't need to worry about will be saturated, short governance period don't have to change again and again. Countermeasures in addition to flavor 3: activated carbon adsorption activated carbon is a lot of people choose the way, but it is a way there is also a big problem, that is timeliness is too short, generally two days must be replaced, otherwise may release again for our air pollution. In addition to flavor strategy 4: plant adsorption using some natural plant also is very good, but the plant purification ability is limited, especially for the pollution is more serious in the home, this way is not particularly suited for use.

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