
High Quality Spring Mattress, Roll Up Mattress Manufacturer In China.

what\'s the difference between a wool mattress topper and a woollen underlay?

Compared to all other types of bedding, it has many benefits and advantages, and millions of people around the world choose to use wool bedding.
The main reason for the soaring popularity of wool bedding such as Australian wool quilts is that it is hypoallergenic, luxurious and has unique body temperature adjustment capabilities.
There are multiple options to choose from if you want to buy wool bedding, which may confuse yoube purchasers.
For potential customers, there is nothing more confusing than the difference between underlay and mattress topper.
Just as many claim not to know the difference between the top of the mattress and the bottom of the wool, here is a brief guide on the properties of the two, which will help you distinguish the difference between the two.
The wool mattress hat is similar to the mattress protector and is placed on the mattress to prevent sweat, dirt and dirt.
It is mounted on your mattress and elastic rings are used in every corner.
However, unlike the traditional mattress guard, it has a layer full of luxurious paddle wool that makes your mattress feel softer and more comfortable.
The Sydney mattress topper is much lighter than the wool liner and also covers an outer layer of cotton sheets, meaning it is best suited for warm summer months.
Wool mattress hats are irreversible and therefore can only be used in a special way.
The wool liner is located between the mattress and the bedding and is constructed very similar to the fitted sheet.
The appearance of the wool liner is similar to that of the wool carpet on the wool side and cotton side.
In this way, woolenl underlay is reversible, which is why underlay is usually more expensive than wool mattress topper.
During the cold winter months, the bottom layer can be placed on one side of the wool to provide additional warmth and comfort.
During the hot summer months, the bottom layer of the wool can be placed down so that the night\'s sleep is equally comfortable.
The people sleeping on the wool bed will tell you that they have never slept so easily, slept deeply and slept more soundly, which is a direct result of the unique properties of the wool.
Whether you choose to buy a wool mattress hat or a wool liner, you can make sure you have a restful night of sleep, no matter where you are or when you are in the year.

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