In our daily life, there are many consumers to buy good mattess, don't know how to maintenance and use of mattress, so that the service life of mattess, incorrect use and maintenance of mattress, will not only shorten the service life of the mattress, but also related to the health of consumers.
So how to maintain the mattress?
Follow company weifang mattress below and see it together.
Avoid local stress don't let the mattress local stress is overweight, avoid long time sitting on the mattress edge or let children jump on the mattress, in order to avoid local compression, which affect the elastic metal fatigue.
To flip the mattress to regularly used to turn the mattress, can flip up and down or switch fore and aft, 3 - general family
6 months transposition;
In addition to using the sheets, as far as possible to put on the mattress cover, avoid mattess dirty, convenient washing, cleaning and hygiene to ensure that the mattress.
To regularly clean before use should be set good cleaning pad or fitted sheet, ensure that the product use for a long time clean, clean.
Use vacuum cleaner regularly clean the mattress, but there is no water or detergent washing directly.
At the same time avoid immediately after a bath or sweat to lie down on it, more do not use electrical appliances or smoking in bed.
Remove when use transparent packaging bought new mattress must remove the layer of transparent plastic bags, stay dry environment and ventilation, avoid mattress be affected with damp be affected with damp, do not let mattess had insolated long, lest bed face fades.
In use process to avoid excessive deformation make mattress, at the same time in maintenance is not bend or fold, mattess damaged in order to avoid the internal structure of the mattress.
The above content is weifang mattress to introduce the company, there are more questions to pay attention to our website, we will continue to update.