
High Quality Spring Mattress, Roll Up Mattress Manufacturer In China.

The future trend of the development of customized mattress1

Custom mattress with the continuous development of the software of the trend of future development, the mattresses are really started to differentiation and specialization, according to the material to the mattress can be divided into, memory sponge, brown, etc. , according to the function, and ordinary mattress mattress can be divided into intelligence; According to the custom or not, divided into custom mattress and mattress can also be customized mattresses, even custom mattress, also can be divided into common custom mattress, is simple to adjust the internal partition retainer, adjust the custom mattress and completeness of the internal components of custom mattress. Complete custom mattress is anywhere to the adjustment of the internal components and interchange of mattress, and consumers can according to their own needs in the home to independently regulate the mattress internal components, such as Hong Kong custom brand DPM. But the future shall be applicable to the different groups of mattress would further divided according to function. Like the present, for the elderly have special mattress products. And the children also need special mattress products. In fact, the mattress products according to the use of the crowd, in addition to the normal group, the use of a few special people should be a mattress enterprise focusing on research and development and production of object, maternal, older people and teenagers. These three kinds of special groups on the use of the mattress have their special needs. Human body health, will produce to the requirement of software bearing difference, these differences without effective treatment, is likely to affect the sleep quality of users and even health. According to the explanation of human body engineering when the body lay down or side, from the power of the body will be scattered, shoulders and hips as two super pressure point; The neck and the waist for two weak point of retainer. Different stress points need support, super pressure points to relieve, weak supporting point need to focus on retainer. For teenagers in the growth development period, height, and weight also is constantly changing. When the child's height increases, the hypothesis or side, the stress of the body contact with the mattress point will also change, so for mattress supporting force provided by the requirement has changed. In recent years, with the continuous development of custom industry, mattress custom also has changed largely, from the original simple internal structure of a single yuan tailored to partition customization, mattress now even in the internal organization structure change in combination. From Hong Kong to sleep sleep custom brand DPM for disruptive innovation.

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