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Sleep Innovations Unveils Synergy Foam-the Latest Breakthrough in Sleep Technology-at the New York Home Textiles Market

Synergy of sleep innovation™Foam-
The latest breakthrough in sleep technology
In the New York home textile market, innovative foam provides the relief comfort and support consumers want, a market leader in the design and manufacture of proven sleep solutions and comfort products, launched today a new range of mattresses and mattress uppers with Synergy™Foam in New York home textile market.
The latest breakthrough in sleep technology™Bubbles are designed for the weight and movement of consumers.
The foam provides the perfect combination of decompression and support through the advanced suspension, providing a more relaxed movement.
\"Sleep is an important part of a healthy life,\" CEO Michael C said. \"sleep innovation is committed to continuous research and product innovation to provide consumers with better sleep . \"Thompson.
\"Our unique portfolio always offers innovation, design, quality, flexibility and value.
\"Sleep innovation\" New 14 \"three-
Layer collaboration™The memory foam mattress contains a layer of energy foam to respond to the weight with less bassinet and more suspension.
The top layer of the memory foam adds comfort, while the base layer of the dedicated foam increases stability.
The mattress is designed in a modern way to enhance the performance of the mattress.
One of many new innovations in the 2013 sleep innovation product line, Synergy™Bubbles are the result of consumer research, suggesting that traditional memory bubbles are too crowded for some consumers.
This study identifies the unmet needs of a new type of mattress with the elasticity of the inner spring and the relief comfort of the memory foam.
\"Consumers are critical in our product development.
The whole process depends on consumer insight and
Home usage from product start to final test, \"said Mike Loomis EVP of sleep innovation product development.
\"Our synergy™Foam products provide consumers with the exact level of comfort they need to sleep well, as well as the best elasticity to provide an active, supportive sleep surface.
Synergy effect of \"sleep innovation 3\"™The double Topper consists of the memory foam top layer of the traditional comfortable feeling and the energy foam bottom layer with less support to provide the convenience of lifting support and movement.
Topper is reversible, allowing consumers to choose their preferences and complete the sleep experience with a luxurious Egyptian cotton cover.
New collaboration™Foam Products from sleep innovation will be on display in New York 2012 home textile market in September 10
14, in the innovation showroom of sleep.
Innovation in sleep is the leader of consumers
It is proved to provide a drive foam product that is comfortable, relaxed and energetic.
The company designs and manufactures advanced memory foam comfort products for the bedroom and around the home.
Through extensive clinical and consumer testing, sleep innovation has found that its breakthrough foam solutions help improve the quality of life of consumers.
Focus on sleep innovation on Twitter. com/ChooseSI.
For more information, please visit www.
Innovation of sleepingcom.
Schneider associated atesmelinda Pryor, 617-646-
3347 mpryor @ schneiderpr.

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