
High Quality Spring Mattress, Roll Up Mattress Manufacturer In China.

One sleeps not romantic UK media: the occupation partner spring mattress to sleep

, according to UK media sharing a bed should be a romantic, comfortable, relaxed. However, for many people, in the evening are tossed and turned in the edge of the spring mattress or balance, to avoid heavy body partner change positions. According to The Times website reported on February 13th, the carmaker ford now put forward a solution, to help those with 'space invaders' bed. Ford said it 'lane keep bed' concept inspired by the automobile technology. The technology monitoring road marking, and in the right direction when the car out of the driveway 'nudge' steering wheel. According to the report, this kind of bed model including instant recognition one party deviating from the position of the pressure sensor, and can adjust itself, to let their attackers 'back to the appropriate location of the spring mattress. This mechanism can be found in couples not neatly to intervene when lying side by side, and can prevent the 'deviant' behaviour in the night. But ford said it helps couples do what 'they like in bed -- — 'You go to sleep. Studies have shown that in a relationship, a quarter of people sleep better alone. At ford for filming a video of the device, two women complaining about their partner's daily sleep habits. Sleep expert and author of 'how to sleep well Neil Stanley said:' many couples together sleeping of time, everyone's space is smaller than children in the single bed space. We have 12 to 20 major position change. Sleep deprivation on our physical, mental and emotional health are a problem. ”

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