Spring mattress before the choose and buy should pay attention to?
How to avoid the spring mattress with formaldehyde, the characteristics of the spring mattress made many consumers choose spring mattress, but also has a lot of businessmen in pursuit of profits, forge the natural spring, composite spring, false spring, so will the consumer when buying mattess, will meet with formaldehyde.
Spring bedding below small make up to you on how to avoid buying mattess formaldehyde to exceed bid.
consumer should be how to correctly choose and buy mattress, avoid formaldehyde harm?
Expert clew consumer, do not pursue cheap, the most important thing is to look for the security identity, choose normal manufacturer.
Recently, the reporter understands to visit the furniture market in chengdu, the mattress that sells on the market at present, the main materials used are palm, spring, spring, etc. , prices ranging from tens of thousands of dollars or yuan.
Reporter discovery, only part of the mattress trademark, name, and plastic packaging, lack of related signs and instructions.
for the mattess whether formaldehyde exceeds bid, most sales staff said 'no problem', but can't show the relevant departments to inspection report.
'Mattress produce formaldehyde, the main raw material comes from the mattress.
', such as palm mattress in the manufacturing process, in order to beautiful appearance, the palm layers with glue bonding pressure, and general spring mattress with sponge and cloth bedding materials, the bonding, is also using adhesives are easy to produce formaldehyde.
Is also very important in the production, production technology, using the stand or fall of glue is the cause of affecting product quality.
If a few small manufacturers use inferior glue, it is easy to cause formaldehyde to exceed bid.
Individual manufacturer to save the cost, the use of 'itself' had formaldehyde cloth, sponge as bedding material, fill out the mattress, can also cause formaldehyde to exceed bid.
focus spring bedding production and sales, good life will be natural.