
High Quality Spring Mattress, Roll Up Mattress Manufacturer In China.

Choose the mattress mattress manufacturer claus can be hard

Because the old man special physiological characteristics, such as many problems such as osteoporosis, backache of neck small of the back, so it can be soft hard moderate, on the basis of hard choose, a little bit of the mattress. Chu-huai wang explain, many old man because of osteoporosis, means that the bone loss, osteoporosis bone on the strength of the pressure drop, so a bit hard mattress to every parts of the bone has good retainer, sleep will have better comfort. How to judge whether a mattress is suitable for yourself? Mattress manufacturer recommendations, can try to lie when buying mattess. In habit of sleeping posture lying down, to see if the mattress on the shoulder, waist and hips can provide enough retainer, to keep his spine natural physiological neutral position. Side to keep the spine in the same level, with the size of the shoulders and hips natural changes, lie on your back neck and the waist need to gain more retainer, avoid excessive above location into a mattress. In addition, suitable for mattress will help the old man into deep sleep, most will decrease accordingly. The old man is available under assessment, such as the morning after getting up is still feel tired, waist under the presence of pain, etc. , to help determine whether a mattress for you. In addition, based on the differences of height and weight to choose the mattress, weight is light person sleep soft bed, shoulders, hips slightly into the mattress, the waist is fully supported. And heavier for sleep harder mattess, spring force can get good support for each parts of the body. Can consult soft hard table, height, weight and mattress that will provide the science. In short, sleep habits, weight, size and height, the selection of mattress, there is no good, only the right. Regular inspection and check whether the mattress of human body posture appear unrecoverable large cave is necessary.

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