In the process of selecting the mattress, what kind of mattress to choose more appropriate?
Under the mattress wholesale company for everyone from the size of the mattress, soft mattress, mattress overlay of ways.
A, size mattress size must be as large as the bed, the key is thickness.
Determine their own bed board is hard wood or keel bedstead, the former can put thick can put thin, while the latter can only put thick mattress.
Second, the hard and soft soft hard question is simple, choose according to their own hardness.
But here note two points: 1.
Only in the hard bed board or mattress can put a soft mattress, otherwise it will go against spinal massage.
Have cervical or lumbar strain is not suitable for the use of soft mattress, simple just put a piece of 2 - on the plank bed
3 cm soft mattress.
Three, multilayer superposition with some friends home has a thick mattress, but uncomfortable sleeping want to overlay on top and a thin mattress to improve experience, users like I give a suggestion.
If your mattress is hard, so you can add a not more than 4 cm above the thickness of the thin soft mattress, if soft don't added that advice.
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