The bed is considered to be one of the most important furniture in the family.
Is the main part of the bed mattress factory said the mattress.
In order to a good night's sleep, is still the basic necessities quality mattress.
According to its nature and characteristics, it has a variety of types.
Coil spring, latex, foam, futon, water, air and so on are all kinds of mattress, each has its own species.
In fact, the evolution of the mattress progress has been slow.
For centuries, the mattress is still not complex, and uncomfortable.
Mattresses are filled with horse hair, cloth or cotton, and very unhygienic, difficult to clean and uneven.
Poorer people rely on the tick of straw, corn cob or other crops pieces filling bread bag.
In addition to providing consistent quality of a material, the original mattress is difficult to clean and they usually begin to become dirty, because they often enter with the pad or use the soil and agricultural fragments were stuffed with insect clicks.
However, they offer a specific advantage: from abandoned agricultural products manufacture at home, they are cheap.
Under the indoor adornment layer using a single shape spring, in the form of stable internal spring mattress made major progress.
Mattress strong elastic, homogeneous structure.
These built-in spring mattress was placed in interior decoration layer made of a set of uniform spring and.
The mattress was very popular, so that today, is one of the most important household items.
At present, the consumer demand for mattress is fairly consistent.