Sleep health relationship with our life, a good night's sleep quality is very important, we offer you more high quality natural spring mattress at the same time, also provide more about improve the sleep quality of life little common sense.
today, natural spring mattress manufacturer to tell you about the food on this to improve the quality of our sleep.
1, drink millet congee
millet for tryptophan content in grains, every 100 grams contains tryptophan 202 mg, tryptophan has to adjust the action of sleep.
Millet help ease insomnia, this is because the small rice are rich in tryptophan.
The higher the tryptophan content in the food, the easier it is to fall asleep after person edible.
2, oats, let you sleep one night
Oats before sleeping is very valuable. It can induce melatonin, a small bowl of oatmeal can promote sleep.
Melatonin is from the brain, which is a substance secreted by the pineal gland in the pituitary gland, when this kind of material production to a certain number, they fell asleep.
Secretion of melatonin in infants and young children, teenagers, as the growth of the age, the production decline.
Older people sleep less, is the truth.
everything can be controlled, the authenticity of the life is you to take control of your own life, natural spring mattress manufacturers hope that we can plan for your life, pay attention to the quality of life.