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NASA developed a mattress called a memory foam mattress in 1970s.
Since then, the sticky foam, sometimes known as the NASA foam mattress, has been first used in medical places to prevent pressure sore.
The mattress is used for padded beds and wheelchairs.
NASAfoam mattress is measured by deflection of pressure trap load (ILD).
Basically, ILD is a measure of the hardness of the mattress.
In other words, it\'s a standard measure of how deep you sink into a mattress if you\'re sitting on it.
The ILD between 10 and 11 is considered soft.
ILD between the ages of 12 and 16 is considered firm and ILD between the ages of 16 and 20 is considered extra firm.
We \'ve all seen ads for memory foam that show how it\'s formed and supported.
But there are more things to consider for the average consumer.
What are the different types, what are the advantages and disadvantages, of course, it is not just how much to consider.
The density of foam is also important.
Foam density is in units per cubic foot pound.
Mattresses with a density of less than 3 pounds cannot provide adequate support.
The tight foam is more durable and more suitable for support.
The dense foam also heats up.
The price of a sticky memory foam mattress ranges from $300 to $1000.
The price difference depends mainly on the size of the mattress.
The quality of the foam will also affect the price.
Memory foam mattresses are usually more expensive than spring mattresses.
Memory foam is different from ordinary foam.
When you lie on a sticky foam, the heat from the body will let it flow.
Foam will form a contour on your body.
When you get up, there will be a dent in the shape of your body.
After a while, the foam returns to its original state when not disturbed.
The main advantage of memory foam mattress is that your weight is evenly distributed by foam.
There is no possible pressure point in the spring mattress.
That\'s why NASA foam mattresses are trying in a medical setting for bed-bedridden patients.
Another point of memory foam is that movement is not easy to transfer.
This means that if you share a bed with your partner, your partner\'s actions will not be transferred to you, resulting in a more peaceful sleep.
The biggest drawback of this mattress is that it absorbs more heat than a normal mattress.
While this may be an advantage in winter, it is a disadvantage in summer.
The new mattress often has a chemical smell and may need to be dried before use.
In addition, pay attention to the mattress with lower price.
These are often inferior products.
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