Buy mattress?
Factors to consider may include soft, built-in spring or foam, new or used.
The used?
Yes, in most areas, as long as you comply with certain tags and processing requirements, you can resell used mattresses.
Mattress manufacturer said bedding can be expensive.
It is very important to know what you are buying.
Tell you to buy new products or second-hand products simple method is to look at the label on the mattress.
In most cases, the new mattress will include white label or tag, show that mattress contain 'new material'.
According to the state, used the mattress may contain labels, is red or yellow, sometimes mattress containing a material used.
Federal law requires contains filler used mattress with a tag or label with this information.
If you don't see label, please consider to do business with other retailers.
Otherwise, you don't know what you are buying.
In other situations, only some parts of the mattress, spring, for example, can be repeated use.
These rules apply to traditional retailers and frugal, second-hand and second-hand shops.
Look around.
The mattress price and quality difference is very big.
Asked if the retailer selling second-hand bedding.
If so, and you want a new mattress, please make your mattress has a 'new' mattress tag.
Reduce retailers with no mattress with labels.
No matter what sales staff said, you don't know what he got.
It is important to write.