Towards a sustainable and adjust the beginning of the spring mattress manufacturer culture is with the right culture measure technique.
However, please don't waste time on values training, presentations, posters and wallet CARDS.
If want to measure whether the spring mattress manufacturer culture accepted by employees, may refer to the following problems: aware whether employees understand your values, they can tell your actions and decisions on whether accord with the values?
This can be done in secret detection measure.
You is not a measure of some employees, is only part of the measured values spread effect how.
Cognitive through secret investigation or in operation by the spring mattress pad manufacturers outside institutions outside the focus of the host department, collect related spring mattress manufacturer real values and cultural content point of view.
Problem focused on at least confirm the real values and priorities, rather than the content of the report.
Most warm spring mattress pad manufacturer, for example, to discuss the diversification, but often employ looks, opinions are similar to their people, and hire them generally employ those few university graduates.
Behaviour is associated with values of right and wrong decisions events and employee behavior.
For example, if health and fitness is one of your values, you may measure what employees every year for a medical or out of the gym to manufacturer.
If you are one of the values of work life balance, then you could measure what employees when on vacation homework.
If your values is accountability, you could track what employees feel disposition or fired due to poor performance.
In accordance with these three aspects of the comparison of each direction key, and all manner of data integrity, and for the specified percentage.
Measure each quarter at least one culture, is also very important.